Trial Results
2024 Ratings Coming Soon...
Every two weeks, every cultivar is evaluated for "horticultural" performance. The performance ratings are based on number of flowers, leaf color, uniformity of habit and flower, resistance to insects and diseases and overall appearance. This allows us to follow the performance of each cultivar through "good times and bad." The data are combined into a single performance rating, based on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being exceptional, 1 being almost dead. The ratings are then used to generate a graph of performance over time, and are updated at every evaluation date. This allows a real time viewing of performance and more importantly, an in-depth understanding of how a plant performed from spring to fall. Most cultivars will be accompanied by a photo.

Catharanthus roseus Nirvana® XDR 'Cranberry Halo'
Cosmos 24OSI-11
All-American Selections
Cosmos 24OSI-11 C1/12 C1 'Series Comp'
All-American Selections
Cosmos 24OSI-11 C2/12 C2 'Apollo Lovesong'
All-American Selections
Impatiens interspecific Spectra™ 'Lavender Shades'
Interspecific Impatiens Solarscape® 'White Pearl'
PanAmerican Seed
Mandevilla hybrida Madinia® 'Petite Deep Red'
Pelargonium peltatum Grand Idols 'Red Orange Bicolor 60'
Pelargonium peltatum Great Balls of Fire™ 'Stars and Stripes 2025'
Pelargonium zonale Savannah® 'Bright Red 2024'