Classic City Garden Awards

Dear All,

We take great pride in the Trials at the University of Georgia. We do not trial for the sake of trial, making us look good, or giving us something to do – we trial in the steadfast belief that what we do makes a difference. When we provide accurate data under real-world conditions, we believe that someone, such as breeders, growers, retailers, and consumers, will pay attention. Quality is not limited to fertility standards and spacing; quality is also what consumers, from landscapers to buyers, see when they have money to spend.

So, in the steadfast belief that what we do makes a difference, here are the Classic City Award winners, the best plants in the trial gardens based on year-round performance and eye-catching beauty. Of the over 1200 plants in the garden, being a Classic City Award winner is equivalent to the Oscar, and Tony rolled up as one.

Happy Gardening,

Dr. John Ruter

2023 Classic City Award Winners

2022 Classic City Award Winners